Products » Discontinued Aircraft Detailing Sets » X-15 Rear Fuselage
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This set includes:
Complete aft fuselage section with corrected top and side shapes and added detail. Corrected and more detailed rudders and speed brakes which can be positioned open. Rocket exhaust cone with much better shape and detail. Delicate and well detailed vent/jettison tubes. The main part has a cutout ready to accept the skid actuator bays from my extended skid set. If you choose to build the X-15 without extended skids you can just glue the folded skids from the SH kit over the opening.
Choose between the short fuselage section for the original, short X-15 configuration (all ships/serials) or the (long) X-15A-2 variant. The short configuration requires a simple shortening of the Special Hobby kit fuselage, a cutting diagram is provided in the instructions. Choose this set if you have bought a forward fuselage section for ships 1/2 or 3. The X-15A-2 set includes a much improved He² tank module. Shortening of the fuselage is not really required, however, for a VERY accurate X-15A-2 the remaining kit fuselage needs to be shortened by a couple of mm as well. Instructions are provided.
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